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英文文法速成班 4.0
學了好久英文,還是搞不懂英文文法嗎?秘笈在此,讓你補足,快速學習。集截了許多權威性的英文文法學習資料,省下您爬文的時間。從入門到進階,從理論到語法的驗證,有別於公式化的學習方式,首重理解,例句豐富,一句英文句子的組成,不只告訴您是什麼,更要告訴您為什麼,及如何聽說寫。英文句子的構成部件到擴展,從一句到如何將許多句子連接在一起,應有盡有。為了增加您閱讀文章的能力,獨家 新增第58章 TOEIC考試語法:72 種關鍵句型慣用語。重拾您對英文的信心,學習英文不再是難事,提升您的競爭力,只要有心,一切還來得及,希望您會喜歡。其它推薦的APP:英文單字 - 多益/托福/雅思 公職英文:英文單字速成班 school for a longtime, or do not understand English grammar it? Tips on this, so youmake up, quick to learn.Set cut a lot of authoritative English grammar learningmaterials, save time you climb the text.From entry to advanced, from theory to validate the syntax isdifferent from the formulaic approach to learning, the firstre-understand sentences rich, consisting of an English sentence,not only tell you what it is, but to tell you why, and how to hearwrite.Constituent parts to extend the English sentence, from sentenceto how many sentences together, everything.To increase your ability to read the article, an exclusive newChapter 58 TOEIC exam syntax: 72 kinds of key sentenceIdioms.Regain your confidence in English, learning English is no longerdifficult to improve your competitiveness, if we really want, alltoo late, I hope you will like it.Other Recommended APP:English words - TOEIC / TOEFL / IELTS official English: words Crash
英文單字速成班 2.7
常常背了又忘,忘了又記嗎?背英文單字有其方法,在此真心推薦給您。運用特別且有趣的故事情節,讓大腦進行聯想記憶,用熟悉的中文去記不熟悉的英文,中文一字意義,而英文一字多意,讓您輕鬆掌握,記單字不再那麼生硬。為方便複習增加熟練度,編排收錄了共35回故事卷上百篇故事 裡頭包含近4000個以上重要高頻單字,故事有趣,絕無冷場,真經在此,練就您過目不忘的本領就趁現在,大幅提升您的英文閱讀能力,希望您會喜歡,學習英文單字快又有效。尤其目前的英文考試大多以閱讀測驗為主,儲備大量的單字是必要且必定的。一篇故事,讓你同時記憶多個英文單字,同時也理解了單字的語意及用法,一石二鳥,反覆練習,必見功效,功力大增,此物不可多得,乃英語高手必備之珍藏。高貴不貴絕對值得,比起坊間一堆貴又俗套的書籍實用且輕便。升學考試必備 公職考試必備 多益TOEIC 社會所採用必備 托福TOEFL-美加留學必備 雅思IELTS-英澳留學必備 。每天讀一篇不出三個月,必齊身為英文閱讀高手之列。有系統、有計畫、有效果的記憶單字,學習英文不再盲從,極力推薦您這套系統的學習方式。最新力作: 多益英文單字速成班↓ 歡迎下載。 forgot to back up,but remember to forget it? Back English words have their way inthis really recommend it to you.The use of special and interesting story, let the brain associativememory, with the familiar Chinese to remember unfamiliar English,Chinese word meaning, while the English word more meaning, so youcan easily grasp, remember word is no longer so stiff. Tofacilitate the review to increase proficiency, presentationincluded a total of 35 on the back story inside the story volumecontains nearly one hundred more than 4000 important high-frequencywords, the story is interesting, no ice, Scriptures in this, helearned the skills that you never forget I must take now, greatlyenhance your ability to read English, I hope you will enjoy andlearn English words fast and effective. In particular, the currentEnglish exam mostly reading tests based, reserve a lot of words arenecessary and must be in. A story, so you also remember multipleEnglish words, but also to understand the semantics and word usage,two birds with one stone, repeated practice, will see the effect,big breakthroughs, this thing rare, is the English master essentialcollection. Definitely worth extravagant treat than printing abunch of expensive and formulaic books practical andlightweight.Essential public entrance exams TOEIC TOEIC exam essentialcommunity adopted the necessary prerequisite to study IELTS TOEFLTOEFL- Canada and Australia to study English IELTS- necessary. Readan article not every day for three months, must be read together asa master of the English column. Systematic and planned, have theeffect of word memory, learning English is no longer blindly,strongly recommend that you learn the way of the system.Latest masterpiece: a crash course in English words Doeg ↓welcome to download.
英文單字速成班2 4.2
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